Member Benefits

Dedicated support from people like you is how The Analyst Pledge can make a change. Our community is run under a two-tier system, with corresponding benefits outlined below.

Pledge Members have taken the pledge, establishing their commitment to give back, but have yet to take action. Pledging helps you hold yourself accountable and can influence others to join you. Our community will provide you with resources and encouragement as you work towards your first donation.

Donor Members have taken the next step and begun their giving. You become a donor member as soon as you make your first donation – either through our Analyst Advised Fund or directly to a charity of your choice – and your membership is contingent on you continuing to give at least once per year.

Donor members gain access to a number of
additional benefits, including:


Invite-Only Events

Find out what’s driving the next generation of givers at our community events. We currently host events in New York City, with additional locations continually evaluated as we grow.


Building Your Network

We have formed a community of socially conscious individuals and future business leaders meant to enhance your network. We’re happy to help you leverage our platform for your next career move or charitable endeavor.


Bespoke Charity Evaluation

Unsure which charity best supports a cause you are passionate about? No problem! We will be happy to give you individualized guidance on how you can maximize your charitable impact.


Immediate Tax Deduction

Your donation is tax-deductible right upon contribution. You do not have to wait until a grant is made to claim your deduction. Please consult with a tax attorney for further details.